Mechanical, Color and Barrier, Properties of Biodegradable Nanocomposites Polylactic Acid/Nano Clay

Author Details

Ali H. Mohsen, Nadia A. Ali

Journal Details


Published: 28 December 2018 | Article Type :


To improving the properties of biodegradable polylactice (PLA) as packaging material by application of nano composite technology because that PLA is attracting considerable interest more eco-friendliness from its origin as contrast to the petrochemical-based polymers and its biodegradability and compatible during their service time could occur after prolonged exposure to water vapor and high temperature condition.

Poly (lactic acid) and nano clay composites films were prepared by casting method at weight percentage nano clay (1, 2, 4, and 6%). Physical, mechanical, barrier and color test of the nanocomposite were studied. X-Ray diffraction and Fourier Transform Infrared characterizing estimate the nanoclay distribution in the matrix material .Mechanical test (Tensile strength, Young Modulus, Tear Strength ) increased when add 1, 2, 4, and 6% compare with PLA. Barrier test( oxygen transmission rate and water vapor permeability) of nanocomposite films were measured at 38°C and at a relative humidity of 90% show that decrease and moved down when the concentration of nano clay is increased in 1-6 wt% nano clay. Color test show that the PLA/clay nanocomposites doesn’t have any change effects on films transparency and that the key research challenges in the development of nanocomposites based on biodegradable polymer used in packaging food application and other application . 

Keywords: Polylacticacid ,Nano Clay , Mechanical Test , Barrier Test, Color Test.

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How to Cite


Ali H. Mohsen, Nadia A. Ali. (2018-12-28). "Mechanical, Color and Barrier, Properties of Biodegradable Nanocomposites Polylactic Acid/Nano Clay." *Volume 2*, 4, 53-59